7 Hacks to Create the Garden of Your Dreams While Stuck at Home

While we’re all stuck at home, for the first time we’ve got the time and (hopefully) the space to create the garden of your dreams. While the beginning can be a bit scary if you don’t know where to start, there is nothing to be afraid of. Starting a garden is not that difficult and to help you out even more, we’ve gathered some hacks to get you on your way towards the garden you’ve always dreamed of.

1. Decide on the type of garden you want

First off, you need to know what type of garden you want. This can depend on your needs, wishes, the space at your disposal and the area where you live. After taking all of these aspects into consideration, you can choose between a flower garden, a herb garden and a veggie garden. 

Maybe you want to have fresh flowers in your home every couple of days. Perhaps you want to always have a supply of herbs and veggies at hand. Moreover, if you have enough space, you can combine all of these into one big gorgeous garden.

2. Find the right place for your garden

Seeing as how different plants have different requirements, you will need to look for the right space for the garden you choose. Certain plants don’t like or need sunlight so they need to be in a shady area. If you don’t have such a space that you can use, you can either build some sort of roof for these plants or look for other varieties that love sunlight. 

Think about proximity and how close certain varieties can be planted. Some species don’t need a lot of space and that is a great option if you have a small backyard. Finally, if you don’t have a backyard at all because you live in an apartment, you need to do a lot of research to see which plants can thrive on balconies and in indoor conditions.

3. Create a layout for the garden

Once you have decided where the garden will be, you have to create a layout of the plants. Plus, will this only be a plant garden or do you wish to have some other elements there as well? Maybe you’d like a fountain or a seating area in your big yard. If that is the case, you have to come up with a design for your garden. 

You can create a little pathway and place a nice bench in the middle of your flower garden. Moreover, think about symmetry and balance if you want to have a relaxing atmosphere. On the other hand, if you’re working with a smaller yard, you will have to take into account all the requirements of the plants you’ve chosen and position them in such a way that they can get all the sun, water and nutrients they need.

4. Choose the plants you want and research them thoroughly

Of course, in order to know what type of layout you will need, you first have to choose the plants for your garden. When looking into them, it is important that you understand how they need to be maintained. Sure, you can opt for the flowers that look the prettiest. 

However, you have to be aware of the fact that they might not succeed in your area. Also, you need to test your soil to ensure the pH is what your plants need and that it has all the necessary nutrients. Finally, familiarize yourself with how often you will need to feed and water the varieties you’ve chosen.

5. Get the necessary gardening equipment

After you have decided on where the garden will be, its layout and the types of plants, you can start getting the necessary equipment. First up, you will need the seeds. You can easily find them online and have them delivered or you can venture out to your local nursery and talk to the experts to see which plants have the best chances of succeeding in your yard. 

In addition to the seeds, you might need some quality soil for your planters, a couple of sprinklers or an irrigation system and some gardening tools like shovels and rakes. Furthermore, protective gear such as gardening gloves and knee pads should also find its place in your gardening equipment.

6. Start planting and designing

Having gathered all the necessities like tools and seeds, it’s time to start planting. If your plan was properly created and you took all aspects into consideration, you should have no problems. Start by ensuring it is the right time for these plants to be sown and providing them with enough water and sunlight in their early days. It might take some time for them to sprout so keep that in mind. If they were in a pot, you might have to transfer them into the ground once they outgrow the pot. 

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This is a delicate process and doing it properly will help the plant be strong and healthy. Other than that, this is the time where you can make all sorts of improvements to your plan. Perhaps you have more space than you expected so you can add another water feature. Maybe you can add more chairs or incorporate a bird feeder. Assess the space at your disposal and do what feels right.

7. Develop a management plan

Finally, once you have created your dream garden, you need to take care of it regularly. By researching the plants, you will know how much nutrients they require so ensure you are providing them with what they need. Regularly get rid of weeds, look into homemade organic pesticides and maintain the hardscaping around it. If you notice that certain plants are just not thriving, look into possible reasons and if you see that the chances of them improving are slim, find some native alternative that is better suited to the conditions.

As you can see, the road to having the garden of your dreams doesn’t have to be rocky at all. If you properly research the plants, create the right layout and dedicate some time to maintenance, there is no reason why you should encounter any issues.

About the Author:

Patrick Adams is a freelance writer and rock-blues fan. When he is not writing about home improvement, he loves to play chess, watch basketball, and play his guitar. More than anything, he loves to spend his time in his garage, repairing appliances and creating stuff from wood.

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