5 Ways to Elevate Your Beauty Routine

By Carol Evenson

Your beauty routine probably looks different than anyone else’s, since it all depends on your individual priorities, needs and schedule. Whatever it looks like though, having a routine like this is important for self-care, and every once in a while everyone needs to get out of their rut and revamp their process and products in some way. Here are five ways you can improve your routine to make it more enjoyable and effective.

1. Focus on Cleanliness

You’d be surprised at the amount of bacteria living on your everyday beauty tools. Regularly cleaning your makeup brushes, for example, is important to not only help your makeup go on more smoothly and cleanly, but also to prevent breakouts. If you struggle with acne, to keep your brushes clean, you can find charcoal-infused brushes that will help cut down on the amount of bacteria accidentally being spread onto your face. Eye products are even more important to keep clean, though. You’ve probably heard that you shouldn’t share mascara, but eyelash extensions can also bring their fair share of risks. Whether you’re a professional beautician or not, if you regularly get eye treatments it may be worth taking a class on eyelash extension safety and sanitation. That way you can know what to watch for to make sure your eyes are protected and healthy.

2. Improve the Quality of Your Products

Buying good, quality cosmetics doesn’t have to break the bank, and finding products that work well can help you cut down on the number you need to get. There are plenty of affordable yet effective products out there, and even more if you watch and wait for sales at your favorite high-end brands. If you’re willing to spend a little extra, investing in items that are good for you is worth the cost too, whether that means switching to companies that keep out harmful chemicals or finding products with SPF in them to protect your skin. After all, healthy skin and hair are naturally beautiful, which also means you need to spend less time and money on additional products to improve them.

3. Find Ways to be More Efficient

If you find yourself consistently short on time, make your everyday beauty routine easier by finding products that kill two birds with one stone. Instead of piling on moisturizer and then foundation, try a tinted moisturizer to save yourself a step. Bonus points if it has SPF in it to help protect your skin from sun damage throughout the day, or ingredients like salicylic acid to treat and prevent acne. Look for hair and skin products that perform more than one task, or even look into treatments like getting your lashes professionally darkened and curled so that you can skip mascara altogether. Especially if you’re busy with kids or a job, look for ways to save some time in the morning so you can get a little more sleep.

4. Make Health a Priority

There is no better beauty treatment than hydration, exercise, a healthy diet, and a good night’s rest. No product can truly recreate the healthy glow that comes from taking care of yourself in every area. If you struggle to drink water regularly, try drinking a glass while you get ready in the morning. Go for a walk with a friend at lunch, cut back on your sugar intake, and set a bedtime. Regularly getting fresh air and sunshine can also boost your overall health and complexion. Just make sure you’re applying sunscreen in addition to the SPF in your makeup if you’re going to be spending an extended period of time outside. If you break out easily, it also might be a good idea to rinse off in the shower and wash your face when you get back.

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5. Use a Mask

Some products like a face mask aren’t used every day but can be a beneficial item to add to your process. Research which one is best for your skin type, and then work it into your routine as directed. You can even buy one for warm weather months that helps cut down on oil and breakouts and one for cold weather that focuses on moisturizing your skin. Not only do masks give your skin an extra boost, but they’re also a good way to get some relaxing time in, which will also help you look your best. You can also try a hair mask that will deeply moisturize your hair or brighten its color, or buy an exfoliating scrub to soften your hands and feet.

Whether you spend hours or seconds on your beauty routine each day, it’s important to take the time to care for yourself so that you look and feel your best. It doesn’t need to cost a fortune to improve your products, but making little adjustments here and there can make a big difference.

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