5 Hormonal Imbalances You Can Improve with Exercise

Hormones play a crucial role inside the body. These substances are scientifically categorized as messenger chemicals, which means they transmit important information to cells, tissues, and organs enabling said components to execute life-sustaining bodily functions.

When systemic hormonal levels are either exceedingly high or low, individuals often attempt to remediate said issues by employing a balanced diet and augmenting with nutritional supplements. However, many overlook the role physical activity play in ensuring that hormones stayed balanced.

How can exercise help your hormones?

In otherwise healthy subjects, exercise is what healthcare providers refer to as eustress. Eustress is a positive, beneficial type of stress in that said action is intended to yield favorable outcomes on the body.

While working out, one’s muscles are taxed, heart rates increase, and systemic networks work harder. However, over the long haul, such impacts typically strengthen the body and improve one’s general health.

Eustress differs from distress, which is stress’s negative form and often only yields unfavorable and potentially unhealthy results. Unfortunately, overexertion can contribute to distress.

Therefore, it is important for those who exercise routinely first speak with their healthcare provider prior to beginning any appreciable regiment. Work out in moderation, understand what hormones are often influenced by physical activity, and know what corrective measures can be taken when hormonal discord is afoot. Here’re five main hormones impacted by exercise. 

Human Growth Hormone

This hormone, which is often abbreviated as HGH, executes the important job of building muscle tone and reducing body fat. Small concentrations can be replenished through the execution of powerful exercises, such as weight training, sprinting, and jumping.

That said, growth hormone deficiency is usually precipitated by rare but potentially serious ailments. It can’t be treated with exercise or in any other natural way, only with growth hormone therapy prescribed by the doctor.


This main female sexual and reproductive hormone performs several key actions, such as regulating a woman’s menstrual cycles, strengthening bones, and keeping the heart and cardiovascular system running smoothly.

Estrogen imbalances occur naturally during events like menstrual cycles and menopause. However, external factors like the medications one takes could also precipitate imbalances.

That said, certain medications and other commonly used products labeled endocrine disruptors might precipitate high estrogen levels and low quantities of another crucial reproductive hormone called progesterone. The occurrence could lead to a potentially serious condition known as estrogen dominance, which often elicits symptoms like weight gain, diminished libido, fatigue, and irregular menstrual cycles.

Those feeling the impact of estrogen dominance may be able to limit or reverse associated symptoms by partaking in exercises like cardio and strength training anywhere from once to twice per week.


Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. Females typically have small concentrations of testosterone in their blood. The hormone is produced in the testes and pituitary gland in men and by the ovaries and adrenal glands in women.

In male subjects, testosterone proves paramount to sexual maturity, sex drive, and physical development. In women, the substance is crucial to sustaining adequate bone mass and the reproductive process.

Diminished systemic concentrations in men could result in occurrences, such as hair loss, a decrease in muscle mass and bone strength, weakness, and decreased libido. Declining testosterone levels in women might manifest in untoward events including irregular menstrual periods, hair thinning, skin inflammation, and a diminished sex drive.

Those experiencing low testosterone who are physically capable might find success boosting said levels by engaging in intense exercises, such as long-distance running, jumping, and endurance training. Those with exceedingly high testosterone concentrations are urged to follow moderate exercise programs that should be carefully monitored by their healthcare provider.


Cortisol is what scientists call a stress hormone. This means said substance helps the body perform optimally when faced with tense or trying situations. The chemical is produced inside the adrenal glands. Additionally, researchers maintain the hormone executes a critical part in important systemic functions, such as blood sugar regulation, metabolic rate, cognitive issues like memory, and fetal development during pregnancy.

Exercise provides a positive outlet for cortisol in persons without any underlying health concerns. However, too much exercise in persons with existing medical issues often fosters the release of additional cortisol concentrations, which could prove counterproductive and possibly even harmful.

Moreover, cortisol imbalances can produce physical manifestations, such as weight gain, mood swings, sleep loss, high blood pressure, and even a serious condition known as Cushing’s Syndrome, which is linked to life-limiting or threatening conditions including osteoporosis and heart disease.

Persons with elevated cortisol concentrations are urged to partake in moderate amounts of low-intensity activities like walking.


Insulin is one of the body’s primary metabolic hormones. Whenever one consumes food, the endocrine gland known as the pancreas produces and releases said chemical into the bloodstream for the purpose of regulating the sugar needed for the body to function well.

However, when insulin is not properly regulated, sugar, which is scientifically referred to as glucose, can build up in the bloodstream and cells leaving stricken subjects more susceptible to the metabolic condition known as diabetes. Fortunately, however, exercises like aerobics and resistance training may help balance insulin levels.

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