So You’re Thinking About Plastic Surgery

The idea of undergoing plastic surgery—from facelifts to tummy tucks—is daunting, to say the least. There’s a certain stigma about the idea of changing your own body. People struggle with vanity, obsession with youth, or the belief everyone should just “feel comfortable in their own skin.” But the reality is that millions of people choose to undergo these procedures every year. For some, they’re an opportunity to look and feel healthier. For others, they restore self-confidence and make them feel more confident about themselves. So what are the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery?

Photo by Sammy Williams on Unsplash

The good news is that there are plenty of benefits. These of course include increased self-esteem, looking younger, improved appearance, feeling more attractive for your spouse or partner, and even relieving pain. It’s simple but real! It’s not wrong to want to look your best, and for many young professionals with some money to spend, the idea of a perfect body is within reach.

It can of course get out of hand—everyone knows that one grandma with way too much botox—but tasteful procedures can change people’s lives for the better. There are countless success stories of people feeling like surgeries helped them become the best versions of themselves. Just make sure you find quality physicians to do the work, like Dr Ross Farhadieh for Australians.

Before rushing into a procedure, you should also consider the non-social side effects. A botched surgery or a bad reaction can lead to infection, scarring, or discomfort during exercise. The last thing you want is for your wish for a beautiful new dream nose to turn into a nightmare! But with the amount of time, skill, effort, and money people pour into the plastic surgery industry, the overwhelming odds say you have nothing to be afraid of.

The real question should be: what do you want? Do you want a new nose, or do you need to change the way you look at yourself? Do you want liposuction, or do you want to eat healthier? Do you want to look better or act better?

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

There aren’t easy answers to any of those questions, and circumstances vary with every person. It’s good to try and parse out where your desires are and what you’ve been conditioned to want. Getting older isn’t bad. It can actually be beautiful! Coming to terms with a changing body is one of the hardest things people do, especially women. When society tells you that looks are everything, it can be hard to define yourself independently of your presentation. But reclaiming your sense of self is an important step towards self-confidence and a healthy identity. You’ll definitely need those before going into a doctor’s office for a nip tuck! 

So you should take a nice long look in the biggest mirror in your house and see what’s really bothering you. If you don’t think you can fix it on your own, do some serious research, then maybe cosmetic surgery is right for you!

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