Everything to Know About Spray Foam Insulation

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Are you planning to make your house more energy-efficient and comfortable? Adding spray foam insulation is one of the most effective ways to go about it. Not only does this type of insulation help to keep your home well-insulated, but it also helps to reduce drafts and lower your energy bills.

Benefits of installing spray foam insulation

When properly installed, foam insulation can provide many benefits for homeowners, including:

Lower energy bills: Sealing cracks and gaps in the home’s envelope prevents heated or cooled air from escaping, saving homeowners up to 40% on their energy bills. In addition, spray foam insulation provides a barrier against drafts, moisture, pollen, and dust, making the home more comfortable for occupants.

Improved indoor air quality: It can improve indoor air quality by preventing air and moisture from entering the home. Sealing off gaps and voids makes mold and mildew less likely to grow and spread.

Reduced carbon footprint: This type of insulation offers superior energy efficiency, as it forms a tight seal that prevents heat and air from escaping. Homes insulated with spray foam require less energy to maintain comfortable temperatures and thus consume less energy overall. This, in turn, reduces carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gasses, which are the primary drivers of climate change. 

Its production requires significantly less energy than traditional insulation options. Some spray foam products are made using renewable resources such as soy or corn oil instead of petroleum-based ingredients – further reducing their environmental impact.

Getting the right spray foam insulation for a greener home

1. Choose the correct type of insulation. Spray foam insulation comes in two basic varieties: closed cell and open cell. Spray foam with closed cells is denser and better at sealing off air and moisture. Spray foam with an open cell structure is lighter and more flexible, making it perfect for hard-to-reach places.

2. Consider the R-value. The insulation’s resistance to heat flow is gauged by its R-value. When thinking about insulation for a home or building, the R-value is an important factor to consider. The better the insulation resists heat transfer and keeps heat within or outside of the structure, the greater the R-value. The achievement of thermal comfort in a space or region is essential to maintaining comfort in cold or hot weather, therefore this can be particularly significant in climates with severe temperatures.

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3. Install it properly. For spray foam insulation to be effective, it must be installed properly. This means ensuring that there are no gaps or voids in the insulation and that it is securely attached to the surfaces it is being applied to. If the insulation is not securely attached to the surfaces it is being applied to, it can come loose over time and allow heat to escape. Proper installation ensures that the insulation will perform as intended and last many years.

4. Add additional layers. If you really want to make your home as energy-efficient as possible, consider adding additional layers of spray foam insulation. This will further increase the R-value of the insulation and provide even more protection against drafts and temperature fluctuations.

5. Hire insulation specialists. It’s vital to hire experts who know what they’re doing. Insulation specialists like iFoam have the experience and knowledge to ensure that your home is properly insulated and protected. 

It’s no surprise that spray foam insulation is one of the most popular choices when it comes to increasing a home’s sustainability level. This type of insulation can make any house an eco-friendly haven from improved comfort, better air quality, and reduced emissions. 

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