How to Refresh Your Home Between the Seasons

photography of furniture and appliances at home

After the holidays pass and the summer still seems far away, you may feel like your home decor needs an update—no more holiday decorations hanging from the mantel or festival items adorning the walls. You may feel like the house is a bit empty or outdated — which means it’s time to refresh!

There are so many ways you can brighten up your home between seasons, even something as simple as purchasing a new candle bundle or switching up the decorations on your shelves.

If you’re looking for a way to give your home decor a boost, check out some of these easy between-the-seasons suggestions.

How to Refresh Your Home

Add New Decor to Your Common Space

Looking at the same decorative items on your coffee and side tables can make the interior of your home feel a bit stale. One quick and easy fix is to switch up your displayed items. Replace a coffee table magazine with a photography book or a unique customized birthday astrology book. You can also add small touches like new coasters or a vase with flowers.

Light Fresh Scented Candles

Sometimes just changing up the fragrance in your house can give it that little boost to make everything feel fresh and new. Pack up the evergreen tree-scented candles and cinnamon broom and replace these with more neutral-scented candles like cedar or grapefruit. If you’re looking for some truly unique fragrances, you can find zodiac birthday candles that are scented specifically for you.

Give Rooms a Fresh Coat of Paint

Between seasons is the perfect time to get started on a little home improvement project and repaint old walls that might need a fresh new coat. Or maybe you want to make big paint changes and redo an entire room in a new color for a full reset. If that sounds like too big of a commitment, but you’d still like to add a little color, try an accent wall. This is one wall in a room that has a different color or even wallpaper. Consider which wall would make the most sense with the room’s furniture setup.

Swap Out Your Curtains

Curtains can lighten or darken a room, and swapping them out regularly can change the ambiance of the room while also setting a new tone. In the winter months, switch out your curtains for light-colored fabric if you’re looking to bring more light inside. If you want a cozy, cool weather vibe in the home, try colors like burgundy or mustard yellow. These add a pop of color while playing off fall and winter aesthetics. In warmer months, colors like blue, yellow, and white can open up a room.

Add New Artwork

Perhaps you need to give some TLC to your wall decorations to make your home feel fresh. If you’ve had the same pieces on your walls for years, it may be time to move things around. That doesn’t mean you need to ditch your favorite piece of art, but consider moving some pieces to different areas of the house and seek out something new and fresh. 

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women cleaning the bedroom

Brighten Up Rooms with Fresh Flowers

Incorporating fresh flowers in your living space may actually help to elevate your mood. Find a common area like the kitchen table or living room shelves or tables to display fresh flowers periodically. Check with a local flower shop to see what’s in season and treat yourself to some beautiful flowers to brighten any room. You can even go on a wildflower hunt to create your own gorgeous centerpieces

Reorganize Shelves and Decorative Spaces

When the holiday decor is gone and you’re still waiting out the winter months, there’s no better time to get a jumpstart on your spring cleaning. Find areas of common spaces like shelves, tables, and other surfaces that may have accumulated too many items. Organize your decor to keep it simple and classy. And while you’re at it, give your shelves a good dusting to make your setup feel clean and new.

Introduce New Houseplants

Houseplants can make for some of the best indoor decor. Not only do they look beautiful, but they are fun to care for and may even offer some health benefits, like improving indoor air quality. If you are not familiar with caring for houseplants, start with some simple species that require minimal water and light. As you learn to nurture the plants, you can begin to branch out and bring new plants into your home. If you don’t have places with enough light, you can also invest in fake plants to make a room feel more comfortable.

Give Your Home a Makeover This Year

Between seasons is the best time to freshen up your home by adding new decor, reorganizing existing decorative spaces, and getting around to those smaller improvement projects. Add fragrance and color to your home with a new candle bundle and fresh flowers or try switching out fabrics with new colors to add an element of new to your everyday living.

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  1. Shutterstock
  2. Shutterstock
  3. Shutterstock
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