How Mindfulness Techniques Can Diffuse Different Types of Workplace Stress

thoughtful woman writing in notebook at home

When workplace pressures like long work hours and deadlines leave you tired and overwhelmed, they can trigger stress. Regardless of your work demands, there are mindfulness techniques you can practice to protect yourself from its damaging effects. Discover the causes and types of workplace stress, and learn healthy strategies for mitigating it.

What Causes Work Stress?

Stress in the workplace may be caused by various reasons, ranging from:

  • Long working hours
  • No support
  • Changes in duties
  • Job insecurity
  • Minimal development opportunities
  • Bullying
  • Heavy workload
  • Unsafe conditions
  • At-home stress
  • Lack of autonomy

A person experiencing workplace stress can experience irritability, pessimism, disinterest, isolation, and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

What Are the Different Types of Workplace Stress?

According to The American Institute of Stress, 83% of workers experience work-related stress, with 25% of people noting work is their primary stressor. This type of mental tension can manifest in many ways.

Acute Stress

This unpleasant feeling can happen briefly and be a positive one. For instance, it can occur when facing an unfamiliar task or a tight deadline. Acute stress can result in increased heart rate and difficulty concentrating.


When you are physically, mentally and emotionally drained at work, you might be experiencing burnout. Signs of burnout include irritability, lethargy, lack of motivation and impatience.

Anticipatory Stress

Do you find yourself constantly worried about the future or an upcoming interview? Having anxiety about future work tasks is a sign of anticipatory stress.

Encounter Stress

If you always feel anxious about interacting with your boss or a co-worker, you might be experiencing encounter stress. It happens when you need to talk with someone you dislike, or who’s unpredictable or difficult to communicate with.


Constant exposure to stressful and challenging situations can lead to desensitization. When this happens, it can lead to compassion fatigue — the feeling of wanting to help others but being too overwhelmed to deal with their trauma. Desensitization can also decrease your ability to perform well, which lowers your job satisfaction.

5 Mindfulness Strategies to Reduce Stress

Mindfulness meditation can promote positive well-being and lower stress levels, especially when practiced daily. Here are some ways you can help restore your overall wellness.

  1. Try Mindful Walking

When you feel overwhelmed at work, a short, mindful walk can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay grounded. Stroll in a quiet area, feel every movement in your body and appreciate your surroundings. This can help reduce stress and make you feel more energized.

  1. Start Mindful Journaling

Writing your thoughts helps increase self-awareness and motivation. If you don’t know where to start, you can search for prompts and pick what you like the most. Self-reflection questions like “What am I thinking right now?” or “How do I feel about work today?” are great ways to help you speak your mind.

  1. Practice Breathing Exercises

Slow, rhythmic breathing is one of the most effective ways to reset your mind. Take a slow, deep breath through your nose and hold it for four seconds. Exhale slowly through your mouth and repeat until you feel better. This practice helps reduce your heart rate, blood pressure and anxiety levels.

  1. Foster Empathy and Understanding

Practice mindful communication if you ever feel stressed about talking with your colleagues. Give your undivided attention when a co-worker speaks, avoiding multitasking or checking your phone. Being fully present in work conversations helps foster your connection with your peers.

  1. Take Work Breaks

Your body and mind thrive with rest. Remember to take short breaks to observe your thoughts and recharge. Allow yourself to release the pressure that may hamper your work performance.

Take Care of Your Mind

Workplace stress is often unavoidable. While a little pressure can be invigorating, too much for a long time can damage your overall well-being. Manage your unpleasant feelings with these mindful strategies to enjoy a happier and healthier work life.

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