Natural Remedies to a Better Health

Let me start by saying that I am in no way a licensed professional, nor have I studied medicine in any formal manner. At best, I guess I can describe myself as a patient. However, I read about medicine and alternative medicine like I’m preparing for an exam, and my easy-going lifestyle (as in, not really paying attention to what I ate, or what my body needed) was revisited after I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition. I’ve talked to a variety of doctors and found some awesome natural remedies that have helped with a lot of very common symptoms. I support many approaches to health – whether it be holistic, modern, “Western”, “Eastern”, or homeopathic. You can insert just about any word to describe a certain kind of approach, but do your research and take everything you hear with a grain of “epsom” salt. What works for others, may not work for you – but luckily, there are a lot of choices out there to experiment with if you’re feeling unwell. Most natural remedies (including those below) have very little, if any, negative side effects.

Emu Oil

Though this product is not vegan/vegetarian, it is all-natural and used for a variety of reasons including joint pain (reducing inflammation), relieving sore muscles, treating wounds, reducing redness due to acne, treating fungal infections, dry skin, and even reducing wrinkles.

Emu Oil

How I’ve found it helpful:
I have arthritis due to autoimmune reasons, and rubbing emu oil on my joints has definitely helped reduce some of the pain. I’ve also used it on my face (never on an active break-out), to help reduce the redness and scarring from past breakouts. A little goes a long way, but if you’re open to trying new things, I definitely recommend giving it a try. Rub a little on the corner of your eyes to fight wrinkles.

Peppermint Oil

Most commonly, peppermint has been used to counteract heartburn and other digestive problems including irritable bowel syndrome and indigestion.

Peppermint Oil

How I’ve found it helpful:
I get tension headaches often, and many over the counter medications (like Tylenol or Advil) only help minimally. Dabbing a tiny bit of this oil on your temples can help relieve some of the tension. Additionally, I’ve found that it can help with nausea.

Lavender Oil

Diluted lavender oil can be used to treat bacterial infections of both wounds and nails. It’s also often used in bath products and cosmetics for its soothing smell. Some research has shown that it can help with dandruff, cold sores, nosebleeds, and nausea.

lavender oil

How I’ve found it helpful:
Combating menstrual cramps. Yes, there are godsends like Midol, but next time, try rubbing a little oil on your lower abdomen to help with cramps (works best in addition to a pain reliever). Feeling anxious? Just smelling lavender can help reduce stress. Dab a little on your wrists if you have trouble falling asleep, or if you’re feeling over-stressed. Try pouring a warm bath and throw in 5 drops of oil (a good book, candle, and glass of red wine are optional).

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can be effective against fighting bacteria, fungi, and viruses, while stimulating the immune system.

tea trea oil

How I’ve found it helpful:
I’ve used it numerous times as an antiseptic on cuts, burns, and acne. But I’ve also used it on sunburns, as well as adding it to the bath to lessen colds and the flu. Tea tree oil can be used for many purposes – keep a bottle in your medicine cabinet, it’s a staple to good health.

Epsom Salt

Epsom Salt is made up of naturally occurring minerals and is an easy way to increase the body’s levels of magnesium and sulfate.

Epsom Salt

See Also
birth control urinary infection hormonal balance pills

How I’ve found it helpful: Pouring a scoop of Epsom salt in the bath has also helped with my achy joints and muscles (and relaxation). Been bitten by summer’s kiss of the mosquito? Adding 2 tablespoons to a cup of water, then getting a washcloth to hold over the bites can be helpful in reducing the itch. You can also use it to remove excess oil or hairspray. Recipes below:

Remove excess oil from hair: Epsom salt soaks up excess oil from hair. Add 9 tablespoons of epsom salt to 1/2 cup of oily hair shampoo. Apply one tablespoon of the liquid to dry hair; rinse with cold water. Pour lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar through the hair, leave on for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse.

Remove hairspray: Combine 1 gallon of water, 1 cup of lemon juice, and 1 cup epsom salt. Combine, cover and let set for 24 hours. The next day, pour the mixture into your dry hair and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then shampoo as normal.


Source for recipes found here at

Many of these products vary in effectiveness, and not all have said to have sufficient evidence.


View Comments (2)
  • I keep a bag of that exact brand of Epsom salts in my bathroom, without fail. It’s an instant muscle relaxer and comes in a variety of scents. Another great oil? Eucalyptus- put a few drops in hot water, put a towel over your head and inhale the steam to help clear your nasal passages when you’ve got a cold, sinus infection, or bronchitis. Another tip? Heat a wet cloth and put it over your face to help you breathe easier in your sleep when you’re congested. Absolutely love this article Melissa! – Katie

  • You forgot my godsend – ginger ale. If you have an upset stomach, there’s nothing better! I’m allergic to garlic (more like intolerant, but whatever), but ginger ale solves all my problems.

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