A Guide to Preparing for a Newborn

photo of people looking on child

Getting ready for a new arrival can elicit a spectrum of emotions, all of which can feel quite overwhelming. This makes a lot of sense. That would be very unusual if you don’t feel an impending sense of fear mixed with unbridled delight about bringing a brand new human into the world.

That being said, the good news is that billions of people have done it before! This means plenty of advice and experience is out there to help you to feel more prepared.

This guide was created to help you get some of the basics of preparing for your newborn in order, because it is easy to miss the little things when considering the bigger picture. Read on to learn more about essentials you need to remember.

Buy the Essentials 

The last thing you will want to do when you are a new parent is go shopping for items you immediately require. Getting stocked up like a doomsday conspiracy theorist will serve you well when it comes to baby essentials.

  • Nappies – You are going to be changing a lot of nappies the moment that lovely little poop machine enters the world. The last thing you want to do is be caught short, or worse, between a nappy change. When you think you have enough, double it. Don’t be afraid to ask first time parents whether your expectations match up with reality, and then buy some extra just in case. 
  • Baby clothesYou will probably never have enough newborn baby clothes, and for several reasons. Not only do babies grow at an alarming rate, but they also like to soil themselves with various bodily fluids throughout the day. This means you could look at several outfits just for one day, much like a celebrity. And while your baby very much will be the star of the show, they will also need the wardrobe to go with it. 
  • Breastfeeding equipment – If you decide to breastfeed, you might find some equipment helpful to aid the process or to help with the side effects. Nipple shields and covers, breast pumps, bottles, nursing bras, and nipple cream can all make a significant difference to your breastfeeding experience. It will also be useful if you need someone else to bottle feed your baby your breastmilk.

Practice Relaxation Techniques 

Being pregnant can be stressful, giving birth can be stressful, and having a baby… well – let’s just say the trajectory is the same. People say the good outweighs the bad, but relaxation techniques could help you get through it for those less-than-desirable moments.

There are several different techniques and therapies you can use, and depending on what you are using them for will depend on which might be the most beneficial. Activities such as prenatal yoga can be useful for relaxing as well as moving the body.

See Also
people at garden party

You mind find that professional therapy will be able to assist you in this next chapter of your life, too, and provide you with coping mechanisms and techniques that will keep you calm and collected even in the most difficult moments. 


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