Writer(s) Of The (Last Few) Month(s)

writers of the month

Admittedly we’ve failed horrendously the last few months on updating you on how utterly awesome our writers are and giving them due homage for being awesome. So to catch up we’re doing a massive Writer of the Month post for February, March, and April! Brace yourselves for unbelievable Literally, Darling awesomeness.


As our resident News & Politics editor, Bridey keeps you up to date every week with a news roundup you actually want to read, and the best Putin headlines in town. With her background in international relations, she’s fantastic at breaking down complicated foreign policy issues to make them understandable and gets to the heart of the issue without the unnecessary political drivel. Bridey’s one of our powerhouse writers, putting out an astronomical amount of content and never failing to include an oh-so memorable quip.

Best of Bridey:

“Joffrey is still the human equivalent of a menstrual cramp.”


Eric has been with us since last summer and has single-handedly been a one-man representative of the XY chromosome in the LD writer roundup. While we forever rely on him for all things literature related, he’s also spent his time with us writing some very poignant and pointed features. Within the first week of joining he penned “Love in a Time of DOMA” and instantly we knew we had someone special on board. He’s not afraid to tackle big issues, but he does so fairly and just the right amount of snark. Eric’s also your go-to man if you ever need to know how to pair book of choice with the right drink, sweet, or even vacation. Whether he’s breaking down vampires in literature, the best of shark movies, or talking about his Mexican American heritage, you’re always going to get a fantastically written and most importantly, interesting piece.

Best of Eric 

“You think learning how to write clear, comprehensible prose is a waste of time? I don’t think I trust you.”


Michelle wrote to us last autumn pitching a piece about being a sorority girl, which admittedly we were a bit skepticalis this a sororities are sunshine and daisies or the root of all evil? Well, neitherit addressed her own skepticism about joining and how it ended up being a really great fit for her. It was a fantastic piece and our readers agreed, even the most ardent sorority haters wrote in praising it. We decided to bring Michelle on as a staff writer and from the very beginning she brought energy, enthusiasm, and dedication to Literally, Darling. She’s always pitching new ideas to the team, supporting the other writers, and bringing an interesting but practical perspective to LD. Many of her articles are filled with real-life tips we all need, from networking without being fake, stretching a can of black beans into multiple awesome recipes, or even helping us get out of bed a little easier in the morning.

Best of Michelle

“It’s not unusual for me to talk to myself, but what I said next caught me by surprise. “Okay, body,” I whispered through the shower spray. “Let’s make a deal. I’ll take care of you and feed you and keep you healthy, and you can tone up for me.”

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