What’s the Best Diet for Munchkin Cats?

munchkin cat

Just like humans, cats having a healthy body is imperative if you want them to live a long, healthy life. The best way to achieve this common goal between cat owners relies solely on three things: exercise, frequent vet visits, and a proper diet. With the first two, it’s going to be an easy feat (, but what about their diet? As a cat-owner, are you confident in what you’re feeding your pets every day? 

If you’re a good cat parent, the answer should always be no. We can never be too careful with what we feed our (hypothetical) children. That’s why this article aims mainly to educate those who need to know about the proper diet that suits your feline friend. 

1. Human Food

Contrary to the belief of the general public, some—if not most—human foods can be safely ingested by our cats. So, yes, you can feed them off your plate. Just make sure you avoid these dishes that can potentially harm and/or trigger allergies for your cat. 


This may seem like a “duh” moment for most of us, but there are still people out there who own a cat and actually let them taste alcohol. Be mindful that alcohol can destroy a human liver in as short as five years if you consistently drink alcohol as you would water. How damaging is it, then, for cats with small bodies and smaller livers? In severe cases, a little alcohol can even damage their brains. 


Just like in dogs, what we’re looking out here for is the theobromine and caffeine, which is present in chocolate. These two components can poison your cat, leading to muscle tremors, heart problems, and seizures. 

Cheese And Milk

This may not be applicable to some, but most cats are lactose intolerant, including a Scottish Fold Munchkin cat. They lack the enzyme lactase, which is in charge of breaking down the milk. It’s just a part of the many common myths most people believe about cats, like purring when they’re happy or that they have nine lives. These myths can be debunked by scientific facts, the one about the milk above all.

Raw Meat, Eggs, And Fish

These foods can easily cause E. Coli and salmonella to the cats. Yes, they can get those too! Not only that but severe diarrhea and vomiting can also ensue. 


Xylitol is a compound found in most artificial sweeteners. This is well-known to be more of a hazard for dogs than cats, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t. Xylitol’s effect is a sharp decrease in blood sugar, which can cause— both to dogs and cats—hypoglycemia, seizures, and liver failure.

Cooked Fish

We know we’ve touched upon fish in the aforementioned item, but here we’ll be delving deeper into why cooked fish and not raw is beneficial to your feline’s health. 

Munchkins, in particular, have malformed cartilages and other skeletal issues that led them to become short and stout. Another common disease they have are heart problems in particular. 

What’s great about cooked fish, especially salmon and tuna, which are rich in omega-3-fatty acids. These fatty acids can prevent many heart problems and diseases in both humans and cats alike. You can also pair it up with holistapet munchkin cat breed specific products for a better effect. However, you’ll have to be consistent in giving them these products. 


Fruits aren’t the to-go foods for cats. Many cat owners would agree on that. What we can also agree upon is the benefits fruits can give to our cat’s health, which leads us to give them these foods despite being a low-rated food choice for many cats.

Bananas are rich in potassium, which is great to maintain one’s cardiac health. Apples (minus the skin) are packed with fibre and vitamin C, very important for both their immune and digestive systems. Cantaloupes may be the most surprising of all. These provide antioxidants and beta-carotene, very important compounds for a healthy cat. 


Aside from humans, cats can also partake in oatmeal. This human food is rich in B vitamins, most of which cats lack daily. Not only that, but whole oats are great for the digestive system, as they are just as packed in fibre as apples, if not more. If you want a replacement for your fruits or carbohydrates for your cat, look no further than your usual oatmeal. 

Fresh Vegetables

If you haven’t seen your cat nibble on some vegetables, there can only be one conclusion to that: you didn’t feed them vegetables early on. Cats are omnivores and will eat both plants and meat, just like dogs. 

Spinach is one example of a must-have veggie for your cat. It’s rich in Vitamins A, C, K and abundant in minerals such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus. Spinach, however, is forbidden for cats with a history of bladder stones. 

Well-Cooked Eggs

Eggs are one of the foods mentioned above that you should avoid, but only if they are given raw. Well-cooked eggs are highly recommended, as they are full of B vitamins and protein, which can be a great replacement if your cat is rejecting meat or you’re rotating the food for their palate’s sake. 

However, there are cats that are inherently allergic to eggs, cooked or raw. To start, give just a small amount of the cooked egg to your cat and observe signs and symptoms. These can manifest through inflammation of the skin, digestive problems (diarrhea and vomiting), and/or difficulty breathing. 

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