How to Help Your Aging Loved One Live Independently

joyful adult daughter greeting happy surprised senior mother in garden

It’s the wish of just about everybody that they can grow old in their home without needing assistance. If being independent is the goal for your elderly loved one when they retire and get older then you have to help them attain it. You have to do some things to make sure that they are able to stay in their home and age gracefully. 

As we get older there are issues with dementia and mobility that can be major obstacles to being able to live an independent life where they have been living for years. The trick is to do things that will ensure that they are able to do this. In this article, we will go over several ways that you can help your loved ones live in your home and avoid having to go to a retirement home

1 – Upgrade their furniture

Their house will certainly need some modifications so they can live there with whatever new realities they experience once they are older. This should start with the furniture. The old couch that they sink into may be very comfortable. Yet, when they try to stand up they might struggle because they are not in the right position. 

This means that a recliner that will lifts them up is essential. These chairs are hydraulic and will put them into an almost standing position so they can get out of the chair without the risk of injury. If your loved one has any back injuries or a weak core then this is a must-have piece of furniture. 

The next item should be a bed. In fact, you should be thinking about adjustable beds since they are so comfortable and convenient. The best adjustable beds for seniors will give  plenty of options for sleep that will suit them no matter what. Many seniors suffer from swollen feet called edema and it makes walking painful. It can also lead to poor nights of sleep. With the push of a button, they can raise your feet to reduce the swelling. 

It also helps for them to be able to raise their head up in the same way the recliner chair works. When they raise their torso up then getting out of bed is much easier. All they have to do is slide their feet off of the bed and are already in an almost standing position so it’s easier to get out. 

2 – Update the bathroom

Hygiene is usually a big challenge for people that end up with mobility issues. This is why the bathroom needs to be upgraded when they get set to retire or start having health issues. 

The first order of business is to make the shower is much safer so there is no friction when it comes to washing up. Replace the tub with a walk-in version so that there is no risk of falling if they have to step over the side of a traditional tub. There is almost always a built-in seat that helps to wash up while seated. This reduces the risk of slipping on a wet surface. When considering such modifications, it’s important to think about the long-term comfort and safety of those with limited mobility. For instance, many choose to transition to a living situation that provides assistance and amenities tailored to their needs. Facilities specializing in assisted living in Edwardsville, IL, offer such environments where safety and accessibility are integrated into every aspect of the design. These residences not only adapt bathrooms to the needs of the elderly or those with disabilities but also ensure that help is on hand for all daily tasks, blending independence with the necessary level of care. 

The next step is to get a bidet. They are excellent for seniors since they are hands-free so there is no need for twisting around to use toilet paper. They use a jet of water to help wash up and many of them even have dryer functions so you never have to use your hands at all. Since the movement to wipe up can cause a fall or even pulled muscle for a senior, a bidet is a very good upgrade. 

3 – Use technology

There are many apps and devices these days that make our lives so much easier. By embracing technology they will be able to live independently much easier than they would have years ago. 

Smartphones are essential since they have apps that can be used to set reminders and schedules as well as many time-saving applications. If you are afraid of your loved one ever getting lost if they are out on a walk due to declining mental capacity, then they can use the lost feature on your phone to make sure you know exactly where your loved one is.

Fitness trackers are also great for making sure that you are active enough since they act as a sort of Robo coach. They will provide specific exercises to do based on age and ability and track progress. This makes it fun to stay active and is also very effective as a motivating tool. 

Having a secure house is essential since many seniors are targeted by thieves for their vulnerability. Using smart technology you can get their home secure in an effective and easy way. For instance, they can install a doorbell camera that will send an alert to a smartphone as soon as it detects movement. They can then see who is at the door before answering. Alerts can also be sent to you so you can see as well which will help prevent any dangerous situations

4 – Have an active routine

As soon as many seniors slow down their health begins to decline. It is crucial to help them stay as active as possible to be able to maintain their health and be able to take care of themselves in their home. 

The key here is to work on their core strength. Since many seniors lose their independence due to a fall, having good core strength will prevent many falls and allow them to continue living at home.They’’ll be able to avoid falls by having more balance. If they do almost fall they are likely to stay steady on their feet due to having more strength.

The way to do this is to encourage them to use weights along with yoga. The weights will build muscles and keep their entire body stronger. Then the yoga will add flexibility to make sure that they have good balance. They’ll also gain more flexibility by doing more yoga. 

Finally, you will need to discuss long-term care options with your parents. This may include in-home care, residential and retirement living, or primary care at home. It’s crucial to assess their needs and preferences before deciding what type of care best suits them. In addition, be sure to check the availability of any government assistance or subsidies that may be available to help your ageing parent pay for their long-term care.

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