I Found a Major Skin Save in Sam Wish

Let me start by owning up to the fact that skincare is my weakness. What I mean by that is if I had $10 left in my bank account, I would seriously consider spending $9 of it if a genie promised me that some cream, mask, serum, or ancient spell that would clear up my stress pimples and leave my face dewy and glowing. I’m a sucker for Sephora samples and investing in anything except for regular sleep and some semblance of a balanced diet. Le sigh.

As it is, I swear by Glossier and Peter Thomas Roth, but am perpetually on the hunt for my miracle product. When a coworker told me about Sam Wish organic bath and body products, I was intrigued. When I read some of the organic herbs, plants, and oils comprising the majority of the ingredients, I knew I had to try them. Sam creates all of her products by hand in small batches to produce all-natural, healing alternatives to the chemical-packed products so often found over the counter. As someone with inconveniently sensitive skin, that was a godsend.

I’m a self-professed skin care junkie, so what (unsurprisingly) caught my attention were her face serums. I had recently finished my bottle of Glossier’s Super Pure serum, and was left feeling underwhelmed by both the goods and their results. The serum felt like water, and while my face felt refreshed for about half an hour after applying it, I saw no real, lasting changes to my complexion. But like any good addict, I was ready to jump into a new product. Sam Wish offers a trio of serums to combat various issues: a sensitive/dry skin nectar, a blemish-busting nectar, and a balancing nectar.

I opted for the balancing nectar, since it promised to do a little bit of everything. Usually my T-zone and where my glasses sit are disgustingly oily, while my cheeks and around my eyes are painfully dry. Using different products on each problem area can get the job done, but I always feel a little self- conscious that I’m 22 and still struggling to maintain some semblance of an even complexion. I hoped the serum might do something (anything!!) to calm my skin down. The ingredients include melaleuca (commonly known as tea tree) and lavender to soothe and clear up blemishes, clary sage to balance oil production, and geranium and eucalyptus to freshen and cleanse for a toned, balanced look.

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For starters, when you pull the dropper out of the dainty bottle it arrives in, this stuff smells incredible. It goes on like an oil, which was a little thicker than I was expecting, but absorbs in about 20 to 30 minutes unless it’s hot and humid (so don’t try to put it on on your way out of the door). I’ve been using this product for about two weeks, and while my pimples have not magically vanished (I’ve been traveling and terrible about religiously washing my face before I fall asleep), my skin does, overall, feel better. The balancing netar seems to soothe both the oily and dry parts of my face, and I’ve noticed my skin becoming gradually less parched and greasy.

While I wouldn’t call the balancing face nectar my “miracle product,” I love the natural ingredients that go into Sam Wish merchandise (and clearly my face does, too). I also feel inspired to become more educated in using natural remedies and products, and I can’t wait to try more of the serums, lotions, scrubs, and soaks offered by her online store.

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