7 Poets to Follow on Instagram

Recently I discovered the exploding writing community on Instagram. Yes, the social media platform meant for sharing photos.

It happened while I was scrolling through Facebook one day, and came across an article about why all the celebrities are regramming a poet who goes by R. M. Drake. He types up poems on a typewriter, and then posts photos of his work. As a writer and a person who is obsessed with Instagram, I quickly found myself falling through the void, clicking on handle after handle, amazed at just how many writers are ‘gramming their work.

I love this for so many reasons. Instagram is easily accessible and easy to navigate. Posting a photo of a poem gives writers the opportunity to incorporate another form of creative expression into the piece. Some of these poets post photos of their pieces right there on their typewriters. Some cut them out and lay them on different backgrounds. Some hold the words up to matching scenery, and some post their work directly on photographs. There are so many creative ways to display words, and I love watching these Instapoets explore that.

If you also had no idea there were poets on Instagram, here are some posts to get you started. Check out these accounts, and take a look at the #typewriterpoetry, #poetrycommunity, and #poetryisnotdead hashtags.

1. @rmdrk

With over 1.5 million followers, this Miami based poet has a pretty dedicated fan base. Personally, I find that I like his shorter pieces a little better.

2. @j.birdsmith
I really love the way J. Bird writes. When I get to the end of her words, it’s like there’s just a click and everything fits.

3. @inkness
One look at this feed made my heart happy. It’s clean and uniform, and all his poems have the same kind of shape. The words are good stuff too.

4. @the_poetrybandit
What I like about this account is that the pieces are super short. In one of his posts he references “one line poems on Instagram.” I like the idea of playing with words in that small of a space.

5. @makeblackoutpoetry

If you’re a little more on the visual side, there are tons and tons of accounts that post blackout poetry. As in, you take a page from a book, pick out a few words that create a new story, and blackout all the rest. The man behind this account posts his own work, as well as regramming others who use his tag. #makeblackoutpoetry

6. @ofyesteryear
Lauren Eden is the writer behind this account, and she just released a book of poetry at the beginning of March! I love the underlying twist in her poems that you don’t realize are there until you get to the end.

7. @topher_writes
Author Topher Kearby not only posts words from his typewriter, he also posts photos of his incredible artwork. And sometime he types ON the art.

Do you follow any poets or writers on Instagram? Tweet us at @litdarling and let us know!

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