What’s Your February Tarotscope?

This month starts out with a bang, and ends on a more introspective, transformative note! Read on to see what the stars (and the cards) have in store for your sign!


Aries, your card for February is The Hierophant reversed. In its upright position, The Hierophant is all about connecting with spirituality, tradition, and ritual.  In its reversed aspect, the focus shifts to questioning your traditions and beliefs, and seeking a higher truth that expands beyond what you may already know. Mars is in your sign all month, bringing extra fire and passion to your already fiery nature. Try to keep an open mind, and examine if disagreements are coming from a good place. Others may have something worthwhile to say. On February 3rd, Venus also makes a home in your sign which will have you feeling more flirty than committed. Take yourself out for a night on the town with pals or your boo and bask in it!

Jupiter in Libra enters retrograde on the 6th, so you may find yourself picking fights when you don’t mean to (or when you do). Fear not, however: February 7th brings the perfect opportunity to embrace the vibes of The Hierophant, with Mercury entering Aquarius and lighting up the sector of your chart that rules social causes and organizations! While you may feel like you’re walking on eggshells this month in your close relationships, the timing is right for connecting with your wider networks and communities to work for a cause you’re passionate about! February 10th sees a full Moon in Leo and a lunar eclipse. Full moons are always an emotional time, but the eclipse will have us examining parts of ourselves we might rather ignore. With the Moon in fellow fire sign Leo, examine whether you’re living your life in a way you feel passionate about, not living for the admiration and praise of others. Embrace your creativity! On February 18th and 25th, the Sun and Mercury enter Pisces respectively, culminating with a new Moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 26th. The dreamy, watery nature of Pisces may seem foreign to you, but in reality you’re both creatures of inspiration! Pisces flows like the tide, so this is a great energy to have in the skies while you’re trying to be less steadfast and more evolutionary in your beliefs! The area of your chart that rules self transformation is extremely active at the end of this month, so I’m confident that you’ll have what it takes to turn that Hierophant energy upright.


As a Taurus myself, I had to laugh when I pulled the Two of Wands reversed as our card for the month. In its reversed position, the Two of Wands asks us to examine if our fear of the unknown is keeping us from important growth. There’s lots of flexibility and spontaneity happening in the skies for you this month, Taurus, and you’re not always the best and leaping in without knowing what you’re getting into. Try to embrace the unknown and see where the cards fall (pun absolutely intended).

On February 3rd, Venus (your ruling planet) enters the wild sign of Aries. Others (and yourself) may seem emotionally unpredictable and chaotic. Roll with the punches, as long as you’re still respecting your reasonable boundaries! On February 6th, with Jupiter retrograde in Libra, you may hit a wall with some of your New Year’s resolutions. Keep on keeping on, but don’t be afraid to reevaluate goals that might not actually be serving you anymore! The next day Mercury enters the far-sighted sign of Aquarius. This is an opportune time for you to network career-wise and put yourself out there. Have you been considering a career change? Now is the time to ask around about opportunities and advice from those in your desired field.

The Full Moon in Leo on February 10th brings creativity and joy, followed by an aspirational end of the month with the Sun, Mercury, and the New Moon all traveling through Pisces at some point. Try something new! It’s a good time for finding community, and Pisces lends more flexibility that usual. Take a class or join a club! You never know the great people you might meet (and you might find a new passion along the way)!


Gemini, your card for the month is the Seven of Pentacles. The Seven of Pentacles is about the midpoint of a journey: you’ve planted the seeds, and now it’s time to give them some room to grow. Don’t rush it! I can already see you rolling your eyes: you’re a Gemini! When you want something you want it NOW! Life is too short! Trust me on this one, Gemini. Sometimes good things come to those who wait.

On February 3rd, Venus enters Aries, bringing a strong sense of passion and connection not necessarily with individuals, but with humanity and the activist communities you may be a part of. Aries rushes into things headfirst, and while the revolution cannot wait, try not to get ahead of yourself. You’ve likely been pushing some creative projects or romantic issues recently, and Jupiter in Libra moving into retrograde on February 6th may throw more obstacles in your way—now is a Seven of Pentacles moment. Try not pushing so hard and see what happens. Mercury enters fellow air-sign Aquarius the next day, lending a helping hand. You’ll be focused on educating yourself, studying your passions, and how you can share your knowledge with others! Embrace that energy!

The inspiration keeps flowing with the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Leo on the 10th. Embrace the shadowy twin and you’ll likely find a creative goldmine. Starting on February 18th with the Sun entering Pisces, we begin to see quite a few major planets (including your ruler, Mercury) moving through the intuitive water-sign and lighting up the sector of your chart that rules career and reputation. Motivation will be running low while inspiration soars. Keep the message of the 7 of Pentacles in mind: inspiration is all well and good, but unless you tend to those seeds carefully and patiently, you’ll end up with just dirt, Gemini.


Cancer, your card for the month is the Ten of Swords reversed. This card speaks to all kinds of bittersweet endings, and in it’s reversed state these are often endings we are reluctant to accept. Make no mistake, though, the endings spoken of in the Ten of Swords come in order for you to grow. On February 3rd, Venus in Aries lights up the area of your chart that rules career and success, bringing plenty of passion with it. Now is the time to stand up for yourself at work. Confront the coworker taking credit for your ideas. Ask for that raise! You may face some pushback, and you must go in willing to make some compromises. Your card for the month reminds you: if they’re completely unwilling to meet your needs halfway, maybe it’s time to reevaluate your employment with them. Swords cards often speak of making hard decisions and choosing to cut certain toxic things or people out of your life.

With Jupiter retrograde in the harmonious sign of Libra starting February 6, some old family issues may surface again. There’s potential for working them out, but it’ll be hard work. Ultimately, remember that while blood is a strong bond, it’s not unbreakable, and it’s ok to have boundaries—even with family. The next day, Mercury enters Aquarius, bringing a more detached vibe than you’re used to. Aquarius lends the perfect independent, forward-thinking hand to bring you some clarity regarding the cuts you the 10 of Swords is asking you to make. On February 10th, the Moon is full in Leo, causing you to examine your passions—especially those you might subconsciously know are self destructive (thanks to the accompanying Lunar Eclipse).

Starting with the Sun entering Pisces on February 18 we see a whole lot of planets making their way through the dreamy, emotional water sign. Pisces brings an intuitive edge to the logical nature of the Sword cards, allowing you to see exactly what you need to feel nurtured. You’ll be thinking a lot about your personal philosophies and broadening your horizons. Try out a new class or take a weekend trip somewhere new! It’ll be just the restart you need.


Leo, your card for the month is The Emperor. You feel right at home with The Emperor. He’s confident, commanding, and knows how to get what he wants, just like you! On February 6th, Jupiter starts to travel retrograde in Libra, meaning you’ll have plenty of ideas but your focus is scattered. Embrace the sure-footedness of The Emperor, hone in on exactly what you want, and go for it—there will likely be some obstacles along the way, but it’s nothing you can’t handle, especially with The Emperor on your side. While The Emperor is powerful, he’s not exactly known for being a diplomat. This will be important around February 7th, when Mercury enters Aquarius, bringing an innovative but detached vibe to your personal relationships. Are you communicating your needs? Are you leaving room for the needs of others as well? Think about it, Leo.

On February 10th there’s a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in your sign! Expect emotions to run high, and prepare to take a look at the darker, more destructive side of yourself. You have an urge to create, Leo, but sometimes you get so caught up in the spotlight that you lose sight of the real goal. From the 18th to the 25th, the Sun, Mercury, and the Moon all spend some time in Pisces. While Pisces holds much of the wisdom of The Emperor, it’s a far less “my way or the highway” vibe. Pisces tends to go with the flow, and it would be a good idea for you to try to do the same, especially in your more intimate relationships. There’s nothing wrong with embracing The Emperor, but remember to check yourself now and then to make sure you haven’t become more like a dictator.


Your card for the month is the Three of Swords reversed. This card in its reversed position tells us that we are on our way to healing old wounds, but the journey has just begun. What destructive cycles might you be repeating as a result of past injuries? This month starts off with a bang, with Venus entering fire-sign Aries on February 3rd. You’ll likely be feeling passionate, confrontational, and more irrational than usual when it comes to your romantic or sexual relationships. If there’s hurt you’ve been refusing to face, now is the time to address it so you can move on. Aries will give you the confidence you need to confront what’s been buried.

On February 6th Jupiter goes retrograde in Libra, causing unexpected upsets here and there. Try to loosen your grip a bit and embrace the chaos. Now is the time to go with the flow, Virgo. The next day Mercury (your ruling planet) enters Aquarius, taking your focus off of personal relationships and towards your larger communities. You can easily get stuck in your routines, so use this as an opportunity to branch out and try something new with others! On February 10th we see a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Leo. You’re not usually a showboat, Virgo, but this Full Moon will have you thinking about where you deserve recognition you might not be getting. Think about your reasons for preferring to stay behind the scenes: have you been hurt when you’ve put yourself out there? This doesn’t mean you should make yourself invisible. Remember that.

The month takes on a much more sensitive demeanor starting on February 18th, when the Sun enters Pisces, followed by Mercury (on the 25th) and the New Moon (on the 26th). Pisces brings an almost altered state of consciousness. You’ll be able to look at yourself and others with a less critical gaze and your intuition will be getting an extra boost. Pisces also deals closely with healing, so embrace your widened insight during the end of the month to evaluate in what ways you might need to heal in order to live your best life.


Libra, your card for the month is the Three of Wands reversed. Normally, the Three of Wands speaks of adventure and transition, but in its reversed aspect, it can warn us that our default mode may have become “when things get hard, run away”! What are you running from? Whatever it is, it’s time to face it head on. This month has some conflict heading your way (I know, I know, not your thing), but transformation follows as a result. On February 3, Venus (your ruling planet) enters the passionate and aggressive sign of Aries. Expect more passion in your relationships, but some more bickering as well. Issues you’ve been leaving on the back burner are likely to come to the front at this time. (Dare I say, I see make-up make-outs on your horizon).

On February 6th, Jupiter heads retrograde in your sign, so expect the next few weeks to throw some unexpected obstacles in your way. Try rethinking your direction instead of giving up completely. The next day, Mercury enters Aquarius, bringing social causes and community to the spotlight. You’re generally better in small groups, but now is the time to face your fears and think of ways to bring your ideas to the masses. You’re known for being just and fair, and the world could use a lot of that right now, Libra.

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Leo on the 10th might lend you the extra confidence you need to make your voice heard. Finally, the later half of the month has you focused on more personal goals: take this time to find inspiration for fitness and home goals, and then you can take off running with a fresh start on February 26 with the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Pisces!


Scorpio, your card for the month is The Fool reversed. There’s nothing you hate more than being taken for a fool, and more likely than not, you tend to keep people at arm’s length just to make sure you protect yourself. Your card this month begs you to take a chance. Try opening up a little and see what happens!

You’ll be off to a good start on February 3rd with Venus in Aries, bringing you extra motivation when it comes to seeing the beauty in yourself. Everyone loves your strength, but can you learn to love your softness, too? On February 6, Jupiter moves retrograde in Libra, bringing about difficult endings and obstacles that are meant to bring growth. Scorpio is like a phoenix, though, and you don’t fear endings because you know they mean rebirth (a process you are constantly repeating, Scorpio). This time around, try to be reborn with less walls up, not more.

The Full Moon in Leo on February 10th will have you feeling confident and loved whether you choose authenticity or not. For your own good, choose authenticity. Finally, the end of the month brings the Sun, Mercury, and New Moon all into Pisces at various times, lending exactly the nurturing, “go with the flow”, vulnerable energy you need to embrace the message of The Fool. Evaluate the reasons for the guards you have up, and examine whether or not old wounds can really heal if you just keep bandaging them up without taking a closer look and cleaning them up.


Sagittarius, your card for the month is the Eight of Wands. This card is right at home with you. Sagittarius is all about action, adventure, creativity, and moving forward. This card embodies all of that! Unsurprisingly, on February 3rd, Venus enters Aries, lighting up the area of your chart that rules creativity and play. Aries brings fiery energy, so creativity abounds! You’re feeling motivated, passionate, and are seeing beauty everywhere!

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woman walking on pathway while strolling luggage

Jupiter’s retrograde in Libra will have you feeling a little disconnected from your communities starting on the 6th, so use that motivation to focus on more personal passion projects. That fiery energy gets an extra boost on February 10th, with a Full Moon in Leo you’ll be craving to see and be seen. Take a day-trip somewhere new to gather inspiration and a new perspective.

Starting on February 18, your focus will shift more towards your home than you’re used to. You’re not one to settle down easily, and you’re usually more interested in where you’re going next than where you are now. The Sun in Pisces (and the New Moon in Pisces on the 26th) bring a more nurturing vibe, and it would benefit you to turn your focus to how you can create an inspiring and revitalizing environment at home. Escapism isn’t the only way to find excitement. It’s all about crafting your space.


Capricorn, your card for the month is the Eight of Swords. When the Eight of Swords shows up, it’s usually because we have a difficult decision we’ve been putting off because we’re not sure what direction to take. You may be feeling trapped in your own thoughts. All it takes is an alternate approach, however, and you can be on your way to a victory!

On February 3rd Venus enters Aries, bringing all kinds of passion and connection to your home life. You pride yourself on your ability to provide, and Aries will have you more motivated than ever. On February 6th, however, Jupiter goes retrograde in Libra in the area of your chart that rules career, success, and reputation (all of great importance to you). Expect hiccups at work, and maybe even some disagreements with coworkers or pesky office politics. It’s likely these will be problems that are repeating themselves, so try to solve them with a new approach and you might be able to squash them for good.

On February 7th, Mercury enters Aquarius, the sign of the innovator, giving you the perfect opportunity to see a new perspective and approach problems from a new direction. February 10, things heat up with the Full Moon in Leo, and you’ll be feeling yourself. Consider having a date night or hitting the town with some friends. After this, the focus will be on lots of sudden inspiration, with the Sun, Mercury, and the Moon all making their way through Pisces. Pay close attention to your dreams at this time: they may have exactly the answer you’ve been looking for. You’re known for being rational and grounded, but listening to your subconscious, irrational dreamworld could give you the insight you’ve been waiting for this month.


Aquarius, your card for the month is the Queen of Swords. Like all the Queens, she is confident, independent, and unabashedly herself. Swords deal in your element of air, so she has razor-sharp wit and often seems to have a bird’s-eye-view of the road ahead. Embracing this energy will come in handy this month, as we start off with Venus entering Aries on February 3rd. You’ll be feeling impassioned and inspired to be outspoken—but be ready for the backlash! The Queen of Swords knows not everyone will always agree with her (though her powers of persuasion are strong) and she’s ok with that. She also, however, knows when it might be better to do her work behind the scenes.

On February 6th Jupiter begins its retrograde travel through the sign of Libra. You may feel like you’re hitting a wall when it comes to education or travel plans, but keep your eyes open for alternative solutions. The Queen of Swords can always find a way. The next day, Mercury travels into your sign, giving you the eloquence to communicate and express yourself in a way that definitely hits the mark. The Full Moon hits us on February 10th, bringing the fiery energy of Leo with it. You might feel some strain in your close or romantic relationships, especially if you’ve been feeling overshadowed as of late. Have you been getting the validation you need? Have you been providing the same to those close to you?

The fiery energy of the beginning of the month gets turned on its head come February 18th, with the Sun entering Pisces. Mercury and the Moon also travel through Pisces before the end of the month, activating the portion of your chart that rules the more mundane aspects of your everyday life. Pisces is far from mundane, best known for having their head in the clouds, so pay close attention to whether you’ve been so caught up in inspiration and fantasy that you’ve let your to-do list slide. After all, your dreams can only take you so far if you’re out of clean clothes and your bills are buried under a mountain of magazine clippings you collected for your vision board.


Pisces, your card for the month is The High Priestess reversed. In her upright position, she embodies so much of Pisces. She’s intuitive, mysterious, and has a dark side to her. The month gets off to a rocky start for you, but by the end I think you’ll be seeing that High Priestess energy back in its upright position. On February 3rd, Venus enters Aries. Expect conflict over money, chores, all the boring “real world” things you usually steer clear of. Are you pulling your weight, Pisces? Meanwhile, on February 6th, Jupiter begins to move retrograde through Libra, causing you to examine your needs closely. You don’t like to put people out, but is your need to “go with the flow” causing you to neglect important parts of yourself? The answer will likely surface sooner rather than later, with Mercury entering Aquarius on February 7th. Expect big, hard conversations that are necessary for personal growth.

On February 10th the Moon is full in Leo, signaling that it’s time for you to take charge of the “body” side of that whole mind/body/soul connection. Maybe it’s time to revamp (or simply start) a fun workout routine, buy some healthy and delicious groceries, or reorganize your closet. You’ll feel more confident and motivated if you simply take the first step!

Starting on February 18th, we enter a huge period of transformation for you. The Sun, Mercury, and the New Moon will all travel through Pisces between the 18th and the 28th, and you’ll be thinking a lot about who you are and who you want to be. Listen to your gut, and you’ll know just the steps to take to get that High Priestess upright once more!

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