Six Ways to Not Go Broke During College


We all wish we could bring down the outrageous costs of going to college and graduate school. But shy of skipping it altogether or taking out loans for the whole thing and worrying about it later, it seems impossible. But what if there are a few ways to  at least bring down the costs of studying a college degree? Whether you’re looking to lower your course fees or spend less on books, these seven tips are certain to help.

Opt for an online course

When considering your study options, a web-based course such as an  online MBA program could be a way of saving costs. By not having to study on campus, you won’t have to pay for extra accommodation or commuting. The flexibility of being able to choose your own study hours could even allow you to work a job around your studies more easily and keep a steady income. When you can pace yourself at school, it gives you far more freedom to work around your schedule, instead of trying to schedule your life around school. Some online courses also come with lower study fees (there are even free courses out there).

Paying for college can be costly, and many people are feeling the squeeze as the tuition fees soar. Ensure you check the Wilkes graduate tuition fees and determine your course selection based on the price.

Study abroad

Studying abroad might not seem like a cheap option, but it can be. Whilst you’ll have to afford the various travel costs such as flying out and applying for a visa, you could end up paying much less to study. In fact, some countries like Germany are free to study in even if you’re a foreign student. Without any college fees, you may not have to take out loans and could graduate debt-free.  

Look into sponsored courses

Sponsored courses could be another way of studying without course fees. There are some employers out there that will pay students to go through college in exchange for working for their company once they graduate. This guaranteed job security and prospect of free tuition fees makes such sponsorships incredibly competitive. Few companies offer these sponsorships and those that do may only offer a handful of placements, so be prepared to possibly go through rigorous interviewing.  

Check for eligible grants

There are a number of grants, loans and support schemes offered by federal and state governments. You usually have to be on a low income to be eligible for these and may not be able to apply to multiple support schemes at once, however it’s still worth looking into. Your chosen college may also offer grants that could go to towards study resources.

Download e-books

When it comes to saving money on literature, consider opting for e-books instead of physical books. E-books are often half the price of physical books. This could result in a significant saving if you’ve got a large reading list to buy. If you need a lot of primary source books (especially for English classes) don’t forget to check Project Gutenberg for free access to books that are out of copyright.

Make the most of your college facilities

A big tip for spending less at college is making the most of your college facilities. Every college has a library, at which you’re likely to find books necessary for your course. There may only be limited physical copies, so make sure to check for digital versions of each book available to access for all students.

On top of books, your college is likely to have printers that you can use to save you having to buy your own (does anyone own a printer anymor?). There may also be other equipment specific to certain courses that you can use such as lab equipment and art supplies.

The bottom line is there are ways to save money on your education. You may be hard pressed to avoid those monumental student loans, but find ways to save a few pennies here and there, might keep you from being on of the millions of college students going hungry.

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