A Guide To Your Weekend Closet Cleanse

There’s nothing like moving into a new place to make you realize how much unnecessary s*** you have.

In my case, it was clothes.

I had a walk-in closet full to the brim. To my surprise, as I was packing my wardrobe into boxes, the piles of clothes just kept appearing. Under the bed, in storage bins I forgot I had, tucked behind the dresser. It never ended. Just thinking about it makes me go into a panic. So. Much. Stuff.

Here’s the thing: Most of it I wore only once or in some cases not at all. So, I decided it was time to embark upon a great de-cluttering spree. That’s where my closet cleanse journey began.

After doing so, my new closet has withered down to a third of the size, and I couldn’t be happier. Cleaning out your closet is something I highly recommend everyone do. It’s the equivalent of cleaning your soul. Ok, that’s an exaggeration, but it will make you feel better and make getting dressed in the morning much simpler.

So, for your closet cleansing ease, I’ve made a list of what to keep and what to get rid of. Happy sorting!

Things to ditch



Anything with the tag still on it: If you haven’t worn it yet, you probably won’t.

Duplicates: I had four different plaid button-up shirts. Why on earth do I need four of the same thing? I don’t. Get rid of duplicates of the same item. They are unnecessary.

Things that don’t fit: That dress you have kept for years because one day you’ll lose the extra ten pounds you gained freshman year? Yeah… Ditch it.

Shoes that are uncomfortable: If it gives you gnarly blisters, do you really want that pair of shoes to take up precious space?

Anything you don’t love: If you don’t get excited about wearing it, you don’t love it. See-ya!

That ugly sweater from Grandma: We all have a back corner dedicated to ugly gifts. Don’t worry, Grandma will never remember the sweater she bought you three Christmases ago. Get it out of there!

Things that are ripped/stained: Duh.


Things to keepp1060335

A nice, warm jacket: I live in Texas, so my nice button-up jacket rarely sees the light of day. But on the freak occasion that it ices over on a night I have to go out, it comes in handy. Keep this, even if you don’t wear it.

A fancy dress: I have a pink Lily Pulitzer dress that I don’t ever wear, but I keep it around. I’m waiting for that summer wedding or Easter Sunday party that I’ll undoubtably go to soon.

Wear-everywhere basics: These are essential, and it doesn’t hurt to have a few of each, just in case. Things like black, white, and nude tanks, non-see-through leggings, and a comfortable pair of neutral heels.

Investment pieces: For me, this means a leather jacket I spent a fortune on in Italy 8 years ago. I don’t wear it often, but I’ll never get rid of it. Anything that is high-quality is worth making room for.

Anything with sentimental value: This includes your graduation cap and gown, just because.


And there you have it, the basics for cleaning and de-cluttering your closet. Take all your stuff that isn’t needed to a resale shop like Platos Closet or  Buffalo Exchange. Better yet, take it to your local Goodwill.

Happy closet cleansing, Darlings!

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