Health and Safety Skills Every Woman Should Know

woman in white shirt and blue jeans sitting on pavement

Proactivity extends beyond merely preparing for future situations — it’s also about taking charge of the everyday challenges life presents. From basic tasks like changing a tire to critical situations like responding to a health emergency, being proactive equips a modern woman like you with the know-how to live life with less worry. Explore essential skills you should have to navigate life with more confidence.

How to Fix Car

Being stuck on the road with a broken car is a nightmare for many women. While you can call a mechanic, fixing your vehicle independently is much more convenient and cheaper. Ensure you have the knowledge to make fundamental repairs, such as replacing a flat tire or reviving a dead battery. You should also have a spare tire and an emergency toolkit in your car, including pliers, jumper cables, an adjustable wrench, a tire jack and screwdrivers.

How to Cook at Least One Decent Meal

Knowing how to cook healthy meals means saving money on expensive takeout. There’s no better feeling than indulging in a masterpiece you’ve worked so hard on. An inspirational cookbook or food blog can get you excited about cooking.

Find a signature dish you can make for yourself and when people come over. Start by cooking once a week and once you’re comfortable with it, explore more recipes. Share your masterpieces with friends to get feedback — maybe even praise.

How to Respond to a Medical Emergency

Taking a first aid or paramedics training program can give you strength during medical emergencies. These learning opportunities provide knowledge that can help you develop a level of competence and confidence that’s valuable in your personal and professional life. By training, you can prevent situations from becoming worse — for instance, proper CPR can help stabilize a patient until emergency medical services arrive.

How to Defend Yourself

Did you know that every 68 seconds, an American experiences sexual assault? What’s worse is that it can happen to anyone, anytime. This is why self-defense for women is necessary. You must learn how to defend yourself when put into dangerous situations.

A study from the University of Oregon found women who completed a self-defense class reported more comfortable and empowered interactions with strangers and acquaintances. Basic self-defense techniques like the hammer strike, groin kick, elbow strike and some escaping methods can help you escape potential harm.

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How to Recognize and Report Harassment

Workplace harassment is common but seldom reported. It can manifest in many ways, including verbal, sexual, discriminatory, racial, gender identity, religious and ageism. It was only in 2020 that the Supreme Court decided that civil rights laws also cover the LGBTQ+ community.

However, many individuals still face various forms of harassment while doing their job. Recognizing and reporting incidents of harassment can help you contribute to an environment that prioritizes your and your colleagues’s well-being.

Trust Yourself

More importantly, learn how to trust your skills and capabilities. Self-trust will empower you to respond to potentially dangerous situations. By trusting your instincts, you can conquer whatever challenge life throws your way.

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