Is it Too Late to Switch Up Your Career?

multiethnic cheerful colleagues talking about job and working with documents

Most of us only ever go through one mid-life crisis, however, you might find yourself thinking about changing your career regularly. Perhaps your current career trajectory isn’t taking you where you want to go, or perhaps your work has become dull and repetitive. When your working hours have become a drag, it might be time to consider making a change. For some, the thought of changing careers can cause apprehension and decision paralysis. Whether you choose to stay or go, it will have a significant impact on your livelihood.

Jobs Versus Careers

Changing jobs can usually be done quickly and with relative ease. You can choose to hop from one employer or one role to the next without much delay. A quick job search on your browser will give you the opportunity to apply for any work quickly and easily, without much cost to you. On the other hand, careers are made up of a consistent pathway of work over the course of your life, from education, experience, and roles that all come together to allow you to pursue your goals. Changing careers can be harder, but there are many pathways forward with online training.

University Options

There are a number of universities that offer fast-tracked learning online, giving you the flexibility to continue in your current career while you upskill or retrain for a career switch. Southern Cross University offers a broad range of healthcare courses in addition to Engineering, Law and IT management.

Why It’s Better Not to Wait

Loathing your work can be normal, but if you find yourself dragging yourself out of bed every morning, it might be a telling sign that it’s time to make some changes. If you have the feeling that it’s time to change careers, don’t wait around for five years lamenting, because you will still be in the same position – and five years older. Make a plan and start orienting yourself toward the future plans of your career. You can always change your mind later if you do decide to stay where you are, and you will always have the option to return to a role you’ve attained in the past.

You Are Not Alone

Changing careers is perfectly normal, and it is expected. According to the United States Bureau of Labour Statistics, the average time spent working in a role is four years.  Employers prefer to see a history of steady work, of at least three years in any role, but ideally five or more can be favourable to you. 

Seek Career Counselling

Taking the time to spend a few hours with a career counsellor can be incredibly beneficial. A counsellor has the ability to assist you in assessing your current situation, with an objective view, to provide you with useful suggestions, and to help you consider your wider options. A career counsellor will also be able to assess you for your interests with a personalised test like the Work Aspect Preference Scale (WAPS).

Take a Personality Test

If things are feeling stale in your work, it might be that you’re in the wrong line of work altogether. While a career can have a broad range of roles, your current position may not be suited to your temperament. Consider taking an online personality test to get a better understanding of yourself and what motivates you in the workplace. If you’re an introvert forced to work with people all day long, the negative impacts on you will compound over time, and the solution may be as simple as pivoting to a behind-the-scenes role.

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woman in red long sleeve writing on chalk board

Important Considerations (Before You Do Anything)

Be prepared to explain your career switch to your new employer, especially at the interview stage. If you have a history of moving from job to job too often it can affect your chances of qualifying for a role. You will also want to talk to your current employer about any plans to switch career paths as they may be of assistance. Your employer may be able to offer new opportunities, or promotions, to retain your talents without you leaving to find them elsewhere.

The Advantages of Changing

Changing careers is an excellent way to keep learning and growing your experience. Having experience across two or three areas can lead to a broad skill set and a vast wealth of knowledge. It also makes your career experience unique, and more highly sought after by employers who will be comparing your application against the application of others who have a more limited work history. Changing careers will also keep things fresh and exciting, by placing you into new areas to push the limits of your talents.

Explore Your Options

There are plenty of reasons to change your career, or at least, start working toward a career shift. The path of self-improvement on the long road of your career is a gradual one, and incremental gains should not be discounted. Whether you choose to study part-time, to upskill, or make a dramatic change to your working circumstances, you will find more beneficial outcomes await you in the future.

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