Sitting All Day? The Best Exercises to Loosen Tight Hips

woman in black top and pink leggings exercising on the floor with fit ball

We sit when we work, watch a movie, eat a meal and so much more. So it’s safe to say that we do sit quite a bit. Because of this though, our hips naturally adjust to this position and increase their tightness. It may not seem like a cause for concern initially, but it can actually affect your physical health.

Are Tight Hips All That Bad?

Tight hip flexors can increase lower back pain and affect spine health in the long run. Their connection to your tail ends and backbones affects the body’s flexibility and movement. A moderate level of tightness is ideal to keep these muscles intact, but going overboard can do more harm than good.

There is a high chance that you are experiencing tight hips if you feel discomfort in that area of your body along with the lower back and knee. For those who are experiencing a severe level of pain, consult your physician. A customized treatment plan aimed to improve flexibility, mobility, and function may be ideal for your condition.

Exercising Your Tight Hips

If there’s an evident but bearable ache in your hips, it’s still possible to rectify your condition with certain exercises. Here are a few suggestions to try out:

1. Knee Lift

Doing a knee lift is great for your lower limbs, relieving some of the pressure on your hip flexors. For those who are getting into exercise for the first time, it’s ideal to start with a simple seated knee lift for minimal movement. 

When you get used to the movement, try a knee lift while lying on your back. Move up a knee to your chest while keeping the other flat on the floor. This should open up and stretch each side of your hip as you go.

2. Yoga Poses

There are a variety of beginner yoga poses that can refresh your muscular strength and provide pain relief. Plus, a majority of them target the hip flexor muscles. For instance, the downward dog helps shift body weight around to relieve shoulder and hip stress.

For a specific pose that’s meant for the hips, yogis are sure to recommend the child’s pose. This position can stretch your hips and thighs, alleviating any tight muscles in that area and your lower spine.

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3. Side Planks

While side planks are ideal for toning your stomach and waist, they can also free up your hip flexor. Remember to shift your weight to one arm and keep your hips perpendicular to your exercise mat. Some may try combining this position with the knee lift, but remember to simplify things or take a break when it feels too difficult.

4. Hip Rotations

Seated hip rotations can help improve your overall mobility and get your tight hips loose. Lean back while sitting and keep your legs relaxed at 90 degrees. From here, you can rotate your knees and have one leg lay flat on the floor at a time. Alternate between each leg to work out both of your hips.

5. Stretching

Stretching is a quick and basic way to keep your tight flexor hips in check. While a quick side-to-side stretch is great, make time for the butterfly stretch. Sitting on the floor with your legs on the floor and feet pressed together can open up your hips. To get the most out of these exercises, keep the position for 30 seconds and make it a daily habit.

Get Yourself Loose and Moving

Staying in your seat for an excessive amount of time can contribute to tight hip flex. Try to be more conscious of how often you’re sitting and execute some of the exercises above. An occasional movement here and there should keep your hips in top-notch condition.

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