
Once a music/arts/culture publicist in Austin, Melissa is now a dog lady (and author of Literally, Darling) living in North Texas. (She'll get back to Austin as soon as she can!) She is currently studying Lyme disease (MSIDS) and other tick-borne infections that are causing a nationwide health epidemic. She also studies Netflix. She is a full-time Lyme disease slayer (diagnosed with late stage/Chronic Lyme in August 2013), but keeps up her entrepreneurship spirit as much as possible. She’s a moderate in beliefs, but hasn’t quite translated this ideology into her shopping, researching, and crafting "hobbies." She is addicted to animal paraphernalia (whether it be dog sweaters or mid-century brass animals), combining pleasure with work, and welcomes things in paradox. She loves New York City just as much as the Irish hillside, and finds that travel, hot tea, and cuddling puppies equate to the best therapy. She hopes to one day combine her passion for animal welfare and mental health into a therapy farm benefitting both animals and the chronically ill. Melissa rambles about health, relationships, religion, animals, entrepreneurship, family, home décor, music, and fashion. She really misses Jesse Pinkman.

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