How to Make Your Home Move Go Smoothly

Moving home can feel stressful and overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be. Starting afresh should be an exciting experience, tinged with hope and possibilities, rather than something you dread. We’ve put together a list to help you make your move as smooth as possible so that you can focus on your new adventure!

Create An Extensive To-Do List

Creating a comprehensive plan of action several weeks before your move needs to be your first step. Your list should cover what to pack and when to pack, it but also it needs to include switching utility companies, updating your address with banks and service providers, and much more. Keep your list handy at all times so you can add to it whenever something pops into your head, even if it’s the middle of the night! 

Add Important Dates To Your Diary

Once you’ve put together your to-do list it is worth adding your important dates in a calendar or diary that you can share with your partner and family. Things like deadlines for booking movers, charity donation drop-offs, and goodbye visits to friends and family if you’re moving further afield. 

Declutter, And Then Declutter Again

It’s likely that you do not use every single item in your current home. If you haven’t used it in six months, you should get rid of it. Your closet is a good place to start so clear out any clothes that no longer fit or are in your regular outfit rotation. This tip is particularly necessary if you’re moving to a smaller home as you will have to cut back on a lot of your stuff. Next head to the kitchen where it’s common to hoard a ton of gadgets and items you rarely use. If your rice cooker has been collecting dust for the past year it’s time to part ways and give it to a more loving home. Anything you no longer want can be donated, or if it’s in good condition and relatively high value you could sell it for a little extra cash. 

Print Your Inventory 

Having a list of everything you’ve decided to keep will mean that you know exactly what you’re taking. That way every item is accounted for, and you will be able to keep track of everything during the move. If you’re hiring professional movers it’s easy to misplace boxes so being organized and knowing exactly what you have will reduce stress when you’re packing. 

Be Prepared With Packaging 

While a lot of stuff can be placed in boxes, you’ll need protective packaging for fragile or special items. Purchase bubble wrap and several rolls of strong tape. Have at least three sets of everything on hand so that you and your moving buddy aren’t waiting around for the other one to finish with the scissors or box liners. 

Palletize your goods

One of the most important aspects of a successful move is ensuring that your goods are properly packed and transported. This is where palletization comes in handy.

Palletization is the process of packing goods onto pallets for easy handling and transportation. By using this service, you can ensure that your goods are properly organised, secured and protected during the move. A reliable pallet delivery in Melbourne can make the entire process smoother and more efficient, while offering additional services such as storage. All you need is to schedule the delivery time and location and remain coordinated with the pallet delivery company to stay informed.

Pack Logically

It can be oh so easy to dump random items in boxes, especially if you’re rushing your packing but this is wholly unproductive. Use your inventory list and pack room by room so you know where everything is once you arrive. List every item that is in each box and add it to a numbered spreadsheet, then label each box with the numbers that correspond to the items inside. It will make your life much easier in the long run when it comes to unpacking all your boxes! Remember to keep your electrical wires with the devices themselves to avoid confusion and so you don’t misplace essential leads. 

Make An Essentials Bag

Having a bag of necessities will mean that you can get through the first few days in your new place without having to worry about unpacking everything right away. Have a large bag or suitcase that contains a few outfits, your daily toiletries, your phone chargers, toilet roll, towels, and some bed linens and you’ll be fixed for a short while. 

Have A Document Folder 

Keep all of your documents separate from any boxes that go with the movers as these are papers you really won’t want to lose. Have a folder specifically for any documents that relate to your move that you can grab at a moment’s notice. Bank statements, mortgage information, passports, and identification should all be in your handy folder. 

Pre-Switch Your Utilities

Getting your bills and suppliers in order before you move will mean that there is less to do when you arrive. Contact your supplier and let them know your move date and new address, that way you’ll have Wi-Fi when you get there, alongside working electricity and gas. 

Make A Plan For Your Kids And Pets

If you are moving with small children that will be more of a hindrance than a help on moving day, organize for them to spend the day with relatives or friends so you can keep your concentration on the multiple tasks you’ll need to do. The same goes for pets. It can be tough enough to get everything sorted, without a puppy running around or a cat going missing in an unfamiliar neighborhood. 

Order A Groceries Delivery

Planning a food delivery for the evening of your arrival will mean you won’t have to make a dash to the store when you could be unpacking or organizing your new home. Buy plenty of easy to cook food, such as pasta, rice, or a few microwave meals to tide you over your first couple of days until your pots, dishes, and cutlery have been placed in their new homes. 

Make Sure You Have Plenty Of Cash

Tips for the movers, pizza deliveries, or a pint of milk for your coffee, keep some cash to hand as you will likely need it. This is especially important if you don’t know where your new closest bank or ATM is located! 

Have Fun With It!

Try making each task into a game to turn it into fun. If you are moving to a walk-up with no elevator, set a time limit for each trip up and down the stairwell and try and beat your own time. Rather than stressing over chipped woodwork that you didn’t notice before, imagine all of the amazing things you can do to decorate. Keeping as calm as possible and trying to see the light of any stressful situations will help keep your day from becoming overwhelming. 

Are you moving house soon? Let us know your moving plans in the comments. 

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