7 Common Injuries Kids Get & How To Deal With Them

a physician examining her patient

Children are curious little creatures, and they love to explore the world around them. Unfortunately, children will always find ways to hurt themselves. It’s a side effect of growing up. As a parent, it can be difficult to see your child in pain, especially if you cannot do anything about it. From broken arms to bumps on the head, parenting comes with its fair share of worrying about your child’s health and how best to take care of them when things go awry. It can be difficult to know how to react when your child gets hurt or falls ill, but knowing what to expect and how to deal with various injuries can make things easier in the long run. Here are some common injuries that children commonly endure, along with tips on what you should do if it happens to your child.


When a bone breaks, it is commonly referred to as a fracture. These are extremely common in children, with the majority of fractures having occurred in childhood. While this may sound alarming, it is important to remember that most fractures heal quickly and with little to no long-term complications. If a fracture is suspected, the child should be taken to a medical professional as soon as possible. X-rays will be required to confirm the diagnosis and help determine the best course of action. Treatment will be dependent on the severity of the fracture, the location, and the age of the child. Physical therapy for kids can also be considered when needed.

Eye Injuries

Eye injuries are another common childhood injury and are frequently the result of fighting and roughhousing. Fortunately, most eye injuries are not serious and heal relatively quickly. Eye injuries should be treated by a medical professional by taking your child to a clinic that specialises in ophthalmology to avoid long-lasting damage. When it comes to treating your child’s injuries or ailments, consider joining the Circle Health Group, where they have a range of treatment options for any problems you may face.


In most cases, burns are minor and heal quickly. However, there are some burns that require immediate medical attention. Burns that are red, swollen, or blistering may be serious. Any burn that causes the skin to peel, blister, or break open is a cause for concern and should be seen by a doctor immediately. Burns are very painful and can be very difficult for small children to endure. It is best to treat burns as soon as possible to avoid complications, especially with severe burns.

Back Injuries

Back injuries occur frequently in children. Most commonly, they result from falls while playing. Your child will likely need to take it easy and rest so that their back can heal properly. When an injury like this occurs, it is important to take your child to a doctor to ensure that they do not have a more serious injury which requires further treatment. Your doctor will likely recommend rest and ice, along with paracetamol if the pain is severe.


Choking is a very common concern among parents. Luckily, most children who choke are able to dislodge the obstruction on their own. If your child is choking, it is important to act quickly. In order to be able to help your child, it’s always a good idea to take a first-aid course designed to help parents deal with emergency situations. You can find more information on these courses here.

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Head Injuries

Head injuries are common in children, especially among younger children who are taken to a doctor after falling off a bed or a couch. Head injuries can be serious and require immediate medical attention and treatment. Head injuries can be caused by a variety of things, such as an accident, a fall while playing, or a sporting accident. A concussion is the most common type of head injury. A concussion is a head injury that doesn’t break the skull but can still cause mild brain damage.


Cuts are a very common childhood injury and usually happen when children are exploring and playing. While they are not serious, they can sometimes become infected and will require treatment. Cuts are best cleaned with warm water and soap to avoid infection. If the cut is serious, apply pressure to the area with a clean cloth to slow the bleeding before heading to A&E. 


Injuries to children are unfortunate but expected. Knowing how to identify when your child is injured and how to treat their wound can make a world of difference when they need your help. From fractures to cuts, there are many injuries that children are susceptible to. By knowing how to react and how to treat each injury, you can help your child recover more quickly and get back to the things they love to do.

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