Story Telling is the Key to Engaging Your Audience

cheerful surprised woman sitting with laptop

If you want to run a successful business and make big profits, then you need to be able to effectively engage your target audience. Unfortunately, this has never been more difficult. With so many distractions from social media and email, to busy work schedules and important life commitments, there is not a lot of time for people to actively engage with companies who do not make the effort to make doing so worthwhile.

The good news is, there are still a lot of things you can do to effectively engage your target audience, whoever they may be, right now. So, let’s take a look at some of the best strategies right now:

Tell a story

If you want people to care about your brand, then you need to make it more engaging, and the best way to do this, instead of just stating the plain facts about your company, is to turn it into a story that will pique their interest and keep them reading. This is one of the most basic, and most effective, things you can do to boost engagement.

Attend fun events

Attending fun events like community fayres and festivals is a great way to get more engagement from your target audience. They will already be in a good mood because they will be having fun, so if you can catch them and use iPad rental services to show them multimedia videos about who you are and what you do, give them freebies, let them enter competitions, and things of that nature, which will all add to the fun, then you should find it easier to engage them and keep them engaged for longer too.

Focus on what you can do for them

Instead of simply stating what features your products and service have, start by focusing more on the benefits those features will bring to your target audience, For example, if you have created a vacuum cleaner with super-strong suction, instead of simply stating how powerful the suction is, play up the fact that it will pick up dog hair more effectively or remove dust faster than other models, so that your customers can have a cleaner home with less effort. People want to know the benefits of a thing for them and if you can clearly state those, then they will instantly be more interested than they otherwise might.

Make more videos

These days, people have limited time to spend online, so there has been a real swing toward people watching video content rather than reading text content which often takes more time and effort to consume. As a result, when it comes to marketing your business, you should be thinking about doing more in the form of video content.

Of course, it is not enough to simply create video content – you need to ensure that it is visually striking, funny or clever, or useful. Basically, you need to make video content that people actually want to watch and share if you want to keep them engaged and you want to spread the word about your business too.

Run a contest or play a game

Even if your audience are grownups, they will not be able to resist the lure of a quiz like on Quizondo, a game, or a competition, especially if they can win a prize at the end of it. So, if you want to engage your target audience, think about the kind of contest that would draw them in and the kind of prize they would be most attracted to, and make it happen. You’ll be amazed at how much more engagement you get, not to mention new followers, and then all you need to do is work on creating content that will keep them interested over the long term and you should see your sales increase too.

Put yourself out there

These days, customers are much less impressed by big faceless corporations; they want to see the people behind the businesses they patronize and they want to be able to empathize and identify with them. Putting yourself out there as your authentic self, talking about your products and services, but also other stuff from the latest great TV show to your love of animal conservation will make you seem more human and more relatable to your audience, which should really help with your engagement levels.

Attend trade events

Attending trade events is a really easy way to put your business in front of the kind of people who are most likely to be interested in what you sell. Of course, just attending is not enough you need to make your presence there fun by playing games, running contests, giving away freebies, and getting involved in the whole vibe of the day, but if you can do that, you should see that more people do get involved and that you are able to build up more goodwill for your business too.

Use humor

People love companies that have a good sense of humor and do not take themselves more seriously. It positions you as a fun friend or someone who is really passionate about what you do, and not someone who is solely in the business to make money which means most people are more positively disposed to you overall. So, when producing marketing materials, advertising campaigns, and web copy, try to inject a little more fun into the proceedings and you will probably find that your company picks up more of a following than it had before, while also re-enthusing existing customers for your brand. 

As you can see, engaging your target audience may be more difficult than it has been in the past, but it is still perfectly possible to do so if you are willing to put the time and effort into doing so. The above ideas are just the tip of the iceberg, but when implemented correctly, they are effective, which means any one of them would be a great place to start if you want to boost engagement in your business.

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