Signs You’re Ready to Progress Your Therapist Career to the Next Level


Knowing when it’s time to take the next step in your career can be tough. Challenging yourself to learn and enhance your skill set can be a scary prospect. However, the good news is that there are some key signs to look out for that signal that you’re ready to take on a new challenge and advance your career as a therapist. 

You’re confident in the work you do

One way to tell is to look at the level of confidence you have in your work. If you find yourself doubting yourself or being uncomfortable to take on new responsibilities, it’s time to take a step back. If you have confidence in your work, you’ll be able to move up and advance to the next stage. 

You love your job

Being good at your job isn’t always enough of a reason to progress in your field. However, loving your job is. It’s a good idea to think long and hard about the reasons why you want to progress. If it’s because you’re feeling bored and unmotivated in your current position, it might be time to look for a complete change of pace, rather than set your sights on progressing as a therapist. 

You have a thirst for knowledge 

Do you already have a Masters, yet find yourself with a real thirst for more knowledge? Do you always want to know and understand more so that you can provide better care for your clients and go above and beyond? If so, it’s likely that it’s time for you to progress to a doctorate in marriage and family therapy

You handle pressure well

Advancing as a therapist usually means higher education. To do this, you need to be able to handle pressure well and be able to juggle your work, your home life, and the work required to complete a PsyD. Luckily, many universities offer online learning. So, if you’re always the one to step up to the plate and be the hero for your clients, it’s a sign that you are mentally prepared for the next step in your career. 

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two women holding pen

You take feedback and criticism well

Another good sign that you’re ready to advance your career as a therapist is that you are able to take feedback and criticism well. Knowing how to take and dissect feedback, and then use it to improve your craft in the future can be tricky. However, if you’re able to do this, it shows that you put your work above your own ego. This is extremely important in a field that requires extreme patience, understanding, and maturity. So, if you find yourself feeling brushed up the wrong way when receiving constructive feedback, you might not be ready to head back into education and progress in your career.

Progressing in your career can be a difficult and long process. You need to be mentally prepared for what you’re getting yourself into and understand that it’s not going to be easy. Luckily, there are some signs that you’re prepared for the next step. Having the right attitude will help ensure that you’re successful and able to provide better help to your clients.

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