Why Traveling as a Solo Female Should Be on Your Bucket List

a woman standing by the train window

With the holidays coming up, you might already be on the lookout for travel deals that you know are on the way. The thing is, you usually only travel back home to see family and friends, instead of flying solo and seeing the world. As much as you’ve always dreamed of packing a bag and jet-setting off to an exotic location, something has always held you back. Is it fear? Maybe, but now that another year is quickly coming to an end, you know it’s time to turn a new leaf and make your travel dreams a reality, even as a solo female traveler. In this guide, you’ll learn some of the best places to visit and how to do it even on a budget.

Quality Over Quantity

There’s only one way to say it: traveling can be expensive. From flights and lodging, to eating out, you usually need a lot of cash on hand to make the magic happen. If you’re a lover of the finest things, you’ll definitely need to save up to stay in five star hotels. The average cost of a room starts around $500, and that’s on the low side. However, if you’re not so worried about the amenities, as you should be and want to focus on quality over quantity, you can use your savings to enjoy the experience and see the sights. 

That said, not everyone has the money on hand to spend weeks travelling around. Even budget travel can add up. If you don’t have a lot of money on hand, you could consider taking out a personal loan. You can use the money to buy tickets and pay for lodging. Alternatively, you could use the money to cover the costs of seeing the sights while using your savings to pay for hotels or B&Bs.

Personal Enrichment

In addition to being able to curate a killer Instagram feed full of travel pics, going solo can make travel more meaningful and boosts personal enrichment. When you’re with others, your focus in on spending time with them. When you travel alone, it gives you time to immerse yourself in the experience.

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body of water with sunset behind

Solo Travel is Popular

Solo travel has seen a huge uptick in popularity with women taking the plunge. What’s that mean for you? Simply put, don’t worry that you’re the only who wants to do this.

Create a Travel Tribe

As you venture to new places, you’re bound to meet new people. You might even make a few new friends along the way. There are plenty of remote work stations all of the globe where you can spend the day working with others who are doing the exact same thing. It’s these same people who can become your travel tribe, and even possibly join you when you head to a new location. Traveling alone isn’t about being completely isolated from others. It’s about setting off on your own personal journey, going where you want to go without having to answer to anyone, regardless of age.

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