5 Less Intimidating Workout Options for First-Time Gym-Goers

woman in white tank

Gyms everywhere are teeming with folks making good on their new year’s resolutions. However, you might need a bit more encouragement if you’re a newbie. You have to master new moves at the same time you overcome those newcomer fears that prevent far too many from pursuing their fitness goals.

You, however, don’t back down from a challenge. You’re determined to fulfill your resolutions this year – but you could use a bit of guidance. What should you do the first time you hit the weight room? Here are five less intimidating workout options for first-time gym-goers.

1. At-Home Streaming

The COVID-19 pandemic caused changes in how people do things, but they weren’t all negative. Some of the positive shifts included a move to at-home services for those who may still feel uncomfortable sweating with others in public – but they can be boons for first-time gym-goers, too.

For example, ask your local facility if they offer free streaming of live and on-demand classes that you can do from your living room as part of your membership. You can “rehearse” routines and get comfortable with a particular instructor’s style before joining the gang in the live classroom. You also have a convenient way to maintain your new fitness program when you feel healthy enough to exercise but have a cold and don’t want to spread your germs to others.

2. One-on-One Personal Training

Most fitness facilities offer a free session or two with a personal trainer as part of the membership cost. It’s impossible to overestimate how critical these professionals can be for first-time gym-goers.

Parcfitness trainers can teach you how to perform various exercises correctly to avoid injuries that can sideline your progress.They’ll also analyze your goals and help you chart the best course to reach them with a customized fitness program. You might not get everything you need from one session, but it’s worth paying for a package. Even after you learn the ropes, your trainer can fine-tune your routine and help you overcome plateaus.

3. Spin

Can you ride a bicycle? If so, you have all the skills you need to lose yourself in a spin class. You’ll feel like a pro from your first class, making it far less intimidating.

Why? This class is simple to follow – simply adjust the pedal tension on your bike according to the instructor’s guidance. Some use light hand weights to throw in a few upper body moves, but they’ll be simple as you’ll remain on your cycle. It’s highly individualized as you determine how much resistance you add to your bike.

4. Cardio Kickboxing

Cardio kickboxing sounds intimidating, but it’s one of the best group fitness classes for first-time gym-goers to try. That’s because most instructors use a drill-style approach that gets you sweating through a series of repetitive motions and simple kick-and-punch routines that don’t require any dance talent.

This class can also empower you. While you won’t get the self-defense instruction you would in a course dedicated to that purpose, you will gain confidence in your ability and learn how to throw a punch using your whole body, not just your arms.

5. Hatha or Restorative Yoga

What if you want a gentler workout that nurtures your mind and spirit while getting your body in shape? If so, yoga might be your ideal class. However, you’re better off avoiding vigorous Ashtanga or vinyasa classes, at least at first. The fast pace makes the poses more intimidating, and it’s tough to follow the instructor by sight when in a forward fold or a backward-facing twist.

However, Hatha and restorative yoga classes introduce you to the various poses or asanas at a slower pace, letting you master the moves. You’ll also learn to mindfully tune into what’s happening in your body, helping you avoid injury if you later try on more vigorous styles for size.

First-Time Gym-Goer? Try These Less Intimidating Workout Options

It can feel intimidating to join in the resolution fun if you’re a first-time gym-goer. However, you are confident and won’t let a little shyness stand between you and your goals. Ease into your new routine with these less intimidating workout options for first-time gym-goers. They’ll help you learn the ropes while becoming integral parts of your total fitness routine.

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