
Unschooling the Educational System

        Please, watch this video. Has this become the way of the…

Figuring Out My Life After a Soccer Injury

Roughly a decade ago, an injury changed my life—took the things I loved from it—right…

Vampires and Why We Love Them

Whenever I talk about vampires, I generally get one of two reactions. One of them…

To Sext or Not to Sext…

Thanks to the Weinergate scandal, the ever-popular topic of sexting has once again come to…

Darlings, It’s Time to Let Go of the Past

As I wave goodbye to another summer, I cannot help but find myself thinking about…

I’ve Got a Big Butt and I Cannot Lie

 By Jazmine Hughes “You’ve put on some weight!” I am in a hospital in Midwood,…

Natural Remedies to a Better Health

Let me start by saying that I am in no way a licensed professional, nor…

Vegan Recipe: Quinoa Porridge With Berries

BY TATUM I know the summer is heating up and we don’t like to think…

The Myth of Work-Life Balance

I hate to be the one to tell you, but Santa doesn’t exist. Defeatist as…

The Ultimate Battle Between Lack and Gratitude

By TATUM Hokay. So. Remember right before 2012 ended? What kind of thoughts did you…

Busy? Broke? You Can Still Eat Well, Darling - Literally, Darling
Busy? Broke? You Can Still Eat Well, Darling

I get it. You’re busy. We all are. As 20-somethings, we want it that way.…

In Sickness and in Health: Fears of the Unknown

I’m not sure if I would have ever identified myself as particularly “healthy.” Elementary through…

What Is Chemistry?

The other day, my 13 year old sister and her gal pals were questioning me…

Way Too Far, Darling

So at family dinner last night my little sister mentioned that one of the girls…

The Beat of Panic Attacks

th-thump th-thump, th-thump th-thump It is all I can do to not pull my hair…

Yes, You Can Run a Marathon

It took two attempts. I picked up running in 2008, mostly as a way to…

Eye of the Survivor

When I was offered the chance to write for Literally, Darling I felt that I…

To My Darling “Boyfriend Girls”

I mean it when I say I am more than thrilled for all my friends…

x, why, z

I feel like life should be as simple as the alphabet. After all, it ticks…

Rant: Stop Judging What I Eat

By TATUM Situation: Your name is Sally and you struggle with your weight and you…